Midnight Ticket


Midnight Ticket is the second short film written and directed by Douglas Lawlor. Ambitious in its scale, this film turned out to be an enormous learning experience of the sacrifices and hardships one production can have. Living and traveling abroad, Douglas arrived in Perth, Australia in May 2013. Working at an old Art Deco Cinema during this time inspired this multilayered narrative which was to be Douglas’s first feature film.


he production faced many roadblocks though the Cast and Crew carried on and worked extremely hard to see things through. In truth, the film could never have been completed without the great persistence and corporation under tight deadlines. Principal photography completed several days before Christmas 2013. The original edit of the film ran at 85 minutes. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, much of the film's audio and footage was lost and damaged in transit from the country back to the United States.

The current cut of the film is an experimental piece that tries to present as much of the original shooting script as possible. In 2015, some of the films media was salvaged and the editing process began over again. What remains of the film however displays Douglas’s growing fascination in treating the atmosphere. Through rich set design and theatre lighting, Midnight Ticket was a visual achievement for the artist while traveling abroad. The film was at long last completed in 2016.


Layla Boyd. Liam Graham, Graham Mitchell, Ron Arthurs

Tanya Jade

Written and Directed by

Douglas Lawlor

Director of Photography

Vuk Mikic

VFX Makeup

Freena MacMurchie